August 15, 2014

Working 9 to 5 again

My new life in California will include a job on a campus with 3 cafeterias (!) as well as a ton of other cool stuff. I'll be a technical writer again and look forward to the constant learning associated with that type of work. I start next week.

Most of my blogging these days is going on at One blog talks about freelancing and the other is about my observations as a California transplant. Their addresses are:

I'll add them on the side bar here so you can check them in the future.

Best wishes for a great upcoming school year! It seems like life starts over twice a year, both in January and when school starts again :)


January 2, 2014

Freelancing again? Yes I am!

Friends, through a series of interesting events, I find myself engaged to a wonderful person and relocated to the West Coast! Although I do not have any new clips to share, I am working through and also have copy edited a few books so far this year. You can see my copy editing talent up close if you order The Sheik and the Slave by Nicola Italia through Amazon. Hard copies are on sale at the Flintridge Bookstore & Coffeehouse, just down the street from me and future hubby. Updates about Word Nerd Gabi are available on Facebook ( and at the link on the side of this blog. Thanks! Gabi